PhD graduates from UCI in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have gone on to successful careers across the world in academia and in industry.
Here’s a sample:

Pedro Domingos(PhD 1997)
Professor, University of Washington
NSF CAREER award winner
Fulbright award winner
Sloan Fellowship awardee
ACM SIGKDD best paper winner (twice)
Professor, University of Washington
NSF CAREER award winner
Fulbright award winner
Sloan Fellowship awardee
ACM SIGKDD best paper winner (twice)

Gianluca Pollastri (PhD 2003)
Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin
Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin

Eamonn Keogh (PhD 2001)
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, UC Riverside
ACM SIGMOD best paper award
NSF CAREER award winner, 2003
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, UC Riverside
ACM SIGMOD best paper award
NSF CAREER award winner, 2003

Irina Rish (PhD 1999)
IBM Research, Watson Research Center, New York
IBM Research, Watson Research Center, New York

Jianlin Cheng (PhD 2006)
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science,
University of Missouri, Columbia
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science,
University of Missouri, Columbia

- Darya Chudova, PhD 2007
- Robert Mateescu, PhD 2007
- S. Joshua Swamidass, PhD 2007 currently finishing his MD
- Raja Jurdak, PhD 2006, Postdoctoral Researcher, University College Dublin
- Daniel Billsus, PhD 2005, FXPAL corporation
- Bozhena Bidyuk, PhD 2006, Researcher at Google
- Sergey Kirshner, PhD 2005, Researcher at Skytree
- Scott Gaffney, PhD 2004, Researcher at Yahoo
- Xianping Ge, PhD 2003, Researcher at Google
- Dimitry Pavlov, PhD 2003, Researcher at Yahoo
- Doug Fisher, PhD 1987, Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University
- David Aha, PhD 1991, Researcher at Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
- John Gennari, PhD 1990 Assistant Professor, Biomedical & Health Informatics, University of Washington